Programs & Events

Our library takes pride in offering a diverse range of programs and events that cater to the interests and curiosities of all ages. Whether you’re a bookworm, an artist, a tech enthusiast, or a history buff, there’s something here for everyone.

For the young adventurers, our children’s programs are a gateway to imagination. Engaging storytimes, STEAM activities, educational games and more create an atmosphere where learning becomes an exciting journey. These events instill a love for reading, learning, and discovery from an early age.

Teens are invited to explore their passions through specialized programs. From chess club and gaming to movie nights and art workshops, our programs empower teenagers to express themselves and develop critical skills that extend far beyond the library’s walls.

Adults can find a variety of programs and events in our library, where book clubs, author talks, and lecture series beckon the curious minds. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, broaden your horizons with experts in various fields, and connect with fellow community members who share your interests.

Our new makerspace is a dynamic hub of hands-on exploration, designed to inspire makers of all ages and skill levels. From workshops that teach essential skills to themed challenges that stretch your ingenuity, our makerspace events offer endless opportunities for discovery.

Check our calendar regularly as we continue to offer new and exciting programs and events.