
3D Printers: Policy and Procedures


The Lakewood Memorial Library’s 3D Printer demonstrates the library’s commitment to learning, exploration of ideas, and exercise of creativity. Any individual using the library’s 3D printer agrees to assume all responsibility for, and shall hold the library harmless in, all matters related to the individual’s use of the 3D printer, including but not limited to violations of patent, trademark, and/or copyright law.

The printer may only be used for lawful purposes. Printing weapons, sexually explicit materials, and other items that contravene the Library’s Patron Rules of Conduct are not allowed. All other library policies also apply to the use of the 3D printer.


  • Users must hold valid library cards.
  • Users must be trained/certified by the library. Contact Library Director (director@lakewoodlibrary.org) for training appointment.
  • 3D printer is available on a first come, first served basis.
  • Users should have a design in .stl format. Projects must be approved by library staff before printing begins.
  • Users must stay/watch for 10 minutes to make sure project is printing properly.
  • Only library staff can remove objects from the printer. Objects not picked up in 4 weeks become library property.
  • Users (or parents/responsible adults, if users are minors) are responsible for fees or loss or damage to property. The library is not responsible for damage to or loss of users’ personal property.
  • The library does not refund printing fees for completed items that do not come out as intended.
  • Cost: $.05 per gram; automatically calculated by 3D printing software

Approved August 17, 2023

Collection Development Policy

Within its staffing, financial, and spatial constraints, the Lakewood Memorial Library provides users and potential users of varying ages, educational levels, and interests with information and materials in various formats to serve their needs.

Materials may be of permanent value or of current or anticipated interest, and may concern international, national, or local topics. The collection is maintained by purchasing, retaining or replacing materials and removing, on a systematic and continuous basis, those items that are worn, outdated, or no longer in demand.

Responsibility for Materials Selection  

The Library Director has overall responsibility for collection development, balancing available items and cost constraints.  The Assistant Director and Programming Director may make suggested purchase for their respective departments.  Other staff may be assigned responsibilities in this area, as needed.  Patron requests will be considered on an individual basis. Interlibrary loan is used to obtain from other libraries those materials that are beyond the scope of this library’s collection.

The Library Director will establish selection criteria that can be shared upon request from the Board of Trustees. 

De-Selection (Weeding)

Materials already part of the collection that appear to no longer meet the established selection criteria will be removed from the collection.  The Library Director has responsibility for this area.


Donated materials are judged on the same standards as apply to purchased materials. If they are not needed, the director can dispose of them as he or she sees fit.  By law, the library is not allowed to appraise the value of donated materials, though it can provide an acknowledgment of receipt of the items if requested by the donor.


No library materials shall be excluded based on expressions of race, religion, nationality or political or social views.  The library makes a special effort to make available materials representing all sides of controversial issues.

Censorship is a purely individual matter.  Responsibility for the reading, viewing, and listening material of children and adolescents rests with their parent or legal guardian. The library does not stand in loco parentis. This policy defends the principles of freedom to read, view or hear.

The Board of Trustees has adopted and declared that it will adhere to and support the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement adopted by the American Library Association, both of which are made a part hereof.  Issues raised by this policy or questions concerning the selection of library materials will be directed to the Library Director.

Approved June 13, 2019

Reviewed December 7, 2023

Confidentiality of Library Records

Libraries may subscribe to record-keeping software either to keep track of and recover their property or to enhance services provided to library users.  Library records which identify the names and other personal information regarding library members and staff are confidential. 

The library’s internal record keeping procedures will be reviewed periodically to assure that records identifying library users are limited to those essential for library operation.

These records are accessible for library work, publicity and special projects only. 

This policy specifically recognizes circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users to be confidential in nature.

Such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process, order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to federal, state or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power.

Library staff shall resist the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order, or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction.

The broad reach of this policy includes but is not limited to records related to the circulation of library materials, computer database searches, interlibrary loan transactions, reference queries, requests for photocopies of library materials, title reserve requests, or the use of e-books, audio and visual materials, films, or records.

Approved by the Board of Trustees March 11, 2014

Reviewed March 14, 2019

Reviewed December 7, 2023

Donations Policy

The Lakewood Memorial Library believes that private giving plays an important role in extending and enriching the services of the Library.  The Library accepts gifts (including financial securities) at the discretion of the Library Director and/or Board of Trustees under the following conditions:

Unrestricted monetary gifts will be used at the discretion of the Library Director and/or Library Board in accordance with all library policies.

Restricted monetary gifts will be accepted on condition that the specific use requested is consistent with the mission, goals, and objectives of the Library.  A restricted gift must be approved by a vote of the Library Board, pursuant to New York State Education Law sec. 257.

Gifts of library materials (books, DVDs, etc.) may be accepted with the understanding that the Library reserves the right to add them to its collection, or distribute, donate, sell, or discard them.  The Library reserves the right to determine its retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations related to its use, maintenance, or removal.

Please follow these guidelines when making donations to the Library:

We accept

  • Hardcover Books
  • Paperback Books
  • DVDs & CDs

We CANNOT Accept

  • Damaged or Dirty Books
  • Magazines or Newspapers
  • VHS or Cassette Tapes
  • Textbooks or Reference Books
  • Condensed or Outdated Materials

Donations are only accepted at the front desk during library hours. Do not leave donations outside or in the vestibule. The Library can accept up to three boxes per patron.

All gifts, upon acceptance and receipt by the Library, become the property of the Library.  All items shall be accepted only on condition that they may be sold, kept, given away or discarded at the discretion of the Library Board and/or the Library Director.

The Library Director will establish and maintain a donation tracking system to record and document specific donations. Upon request, the Board of Trustees can review this system.

The Library reserves the right at all times to dispose of any gift without notification to the donor, if in the judgment of the Library Director, or his/her designee, such item no longer serves the purposes of the Library.  The Library will not automatically replace worn or lost gift items.


On receipt of a donation or memorial gift exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000.00), the Library Director will contact the donor or the person in whose name the memorial has been established, In addition to thanking this person for library support, the Director will seek information about possible intended uses: unrestricted use in support of the library mission, library books (adults, children), technology (e.g., computer upgrades), books on CD, DVDs, or special projects (e.g., children’s programs). In all cases, this process will guide the expenditure of large or memorial gifts.

The Library will acknowledge gifts of any size with a letter of receipt. In the case of large or memorial donations, the acknowledgement letter will include information about fund expenditure.


The Library is unable to appraise or estimate the value of gift donations.  The responsibility and cost for such assessment lies with the donor, and the Library recommends that donors consult with their attorneys and/or tax advisors.  The Library is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

Approved:  August 1, 2019

Revised: December 8, 2022

Exhibitions Policy

  1. Display space in the Lakewood Memorial Library will be provided as available for the interest, information, and enlightenment of the community. Individuals and community organizations will be encouraged to provide exhibit materials of a civic, cultural, or educational nature, rather than for commercial, religious or political purposes.
  2. Exhibit topics are at the discretion of the Library Director or designee and each item must meet the library’s standard of value and quality. Materials on exhibition must be appropriate for viewing by small children.
  3. The Library Director or designee reserves the right to reject any part of an exhibit, or to change the manner of display, if necessary.
  4. All items displayed in the library are done so at the owner’s risk. The Board of Trustees and the employees of the Lakewood Memorial Library assume no responsibility for the preservation, protection or possible damage or theft of any item exhibited.   Transportation, mounting and dismounting of the exhibit is the sole responsibility of the owner.  Items for the display will not be accepted without a waiver (see attached forms) signed by the owner, absolving the Lakewood Memorial Library of responsibility for loss or damage to the property on display.
  5. Scheduling of exhibits will be the responsibility of the Library Director and staff or designee. No admission fee, other costs or required donations shall be charged. The library will not be involved in purchase of any displayed items. If items are sold as a result of display at the library, a monetary donation to the library would be appreciated.  Tangible gifts are not appropriate due to limited library space.   
  6. Publicity, advertisements, press releases, media announcements, posters, or handouts about the exhibits shall be the responsibility of the owner. If a reception is planned, responsibility falls upon the exhibitor but must be coordinated with library staff or designee.
  7. Exhibitors will make use of rail and hooks provided to hang materials. Any signage affixed to walls must be completely removable without any damage whatsoever to the painted surface. The owner agrees to professionally restore or repair to pre-exhibit conditions, any damage done to the library as a result of the display. This must be accomplished to the satisfaction of the Library Director or designee.

Board of Trustees, Lakewood Memorial Library

Policy Adopted:  May 12, 2009

Revised Jan 11, 2011

Reviewed March 14, 2019

Reviewed December 7, 2023

Meeting Room Policy

The Library’s meeting room is intended for activities conducted or sponsored by the Lakewood Memorial Library, and for organizations and individuals engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable, or other activities of interest and/or benefit to the community. The Library may not be used as a place to solicit sales or for contacting library staff or library users for political or religious proselytizing. 

Meeting rooms are available for use during library open hours on a first-come, first-served basis. The Director may grant permission for after-hours meetings. The Board will be notified of any such meetings. Reservations must be made in advance by calling the library at 716-763-6234. The name of the group, the purpose of the meeting, and the name and phone number of a contact person are required. The Library reserves the right to close due to adverse weather or emergencies and, if necessary, will attempt to notify the organization’s contact person.

Room reservations must be made by adults, and no one under the age of 18 will be admitted to the reserved room until an adult is present. Except as noted below, there is no charge for room use, but donations are encouraged and gratefully accepted. If there is a class charge, 10% of your profit is a suggested donation.

The meeting room can be reserved for birthday parties, baby or wedding showers, or other similar activities. The patio and the back lawn may also be used. A $25.00 room rental fee, along with a $50.00 cleaning fee and a refundable $100.00 deposit are required. No tents can be used without prior approval from Library Director.  

The following guidelines apply to room use:

  1. Meetings must be conducted in such a way as to not disturb library operations.
  2. No products, services, or memberships may be advertised, solicited, or sold. However, at the discretion of the Library Director, the following will be permissible at Library sponsored programs:
    A. Fund raising to benefit the Library;
    B. The sale of books, media, and other items by authors or artists as part of a Library program.
  3. Meeting materials may not be affixed to meeting room walls.

Meeting rooms are a Library resource and should be left clean and with furnishings arranged the way they were found. The user must remove all supplies, food, and drinks at the completion of the use of the room.  Trash should be collected and placed in a waste receptacle provided by the Library.  A cleanup fee of $50 may be charged for rooms left in a disorderly condition. The individual who completes the registration form will be held responsible for damage as well as the clean-up costs. The Lakewood Memorial Library accepts no liability for personal injury, damage to library facilities, and/or loss of library property arising from the use of the space.

To make limited space available to as many groups as possible, the Library reserves the right to limit the number of times during the year the same group or individual may reserve a meeting room.

Use of the library does not constitute an endorsement of the program. Any advertisement, press release, media announcement, posters, or handouts about events in the Library’s meeting rooms must state that the event is not a program of, nor sponsored by the Lakewood Memorial Library. The Library must see any such notices prior to their public release.

Failure to observe meeting room rules will jeopardize further use of the room.   

Approved 8/1/2019

Revised 10/8/2020

Reviewed 12/7/2023

Revised 4/16/2024

Open Meeting Policy

New York’s Open Meetings Law confers upon the public the right to observe the performance of public officials and to attend and listen to the deliberations and decisions that go into the making of public policy. It does not give the public the right to speak or participate in board meetings outside of public comment periods.

The Lakewood Memorial Library invites the public to all meetings of the Board of Trustees. Board meetings are for the conduct of library business. They are not public hearings about library affairs.  The Board reserves the right to hold portions of meetings involving discussions of confidential matters private, with decisions affecting the public to be made known as deemed sensible.

All members of the public attending a board meeting, regardless of residency, may speak briefly (3 minutes unless granted more time by the Board President). There are two Public Expression items on each regular agenda – once after approval of previous minutes, and again before adjournment.

If unable to attend a meeting, comments from the public to the Library’s Board of Trustees are welcome in writing, addressed to: Library Board President, Lakewood Memorial Library, 12 W. Summit St., Lakewood NY 14750. As required by the Open Meetings Law, minutes are taken at all board meetings. Minutes are archived on the Library website: lakewoodlibrary.org/trustees.  

Approved by the Board of Trustees January 12, 2016

Reviewed March 14, 2019

Revised December 8, 2022

Patron Conduct Policy

The Lakewood Memorial Library (LML) and its facilities are to be used for library purposes only. Conduct that interferes with that use or is inconsistent with that use is not permitted. This policy has been adopted for the comfort and protection of all who use library materials and services. LML staff will courteously, but firmly, enforce this policy.

Conduct will not be permitted if it is disruptive, disturbing, or potentially harmful to others, if it otherwise interferes with other patrons’ enjoyment and use of the LML, or if it is inconsistent with the LML’s mission. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • disorderly conduct, noise, or activity that interferes with the rights of others, whether intentional or inadvertent;
  • physical abuse or threatening behavior or language;
  • filming, recording, or photographing any person after being asked to desist;
  • engaging in conduct (such as persistent staring or gestures) that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her personal safety or feel distressed, alarmed, or harassed; or
  • the misuse of library materials, equipment, furnishings, the building, or grounds.

Maintenance of proper conduct is one of the responsibilities of LML staff. Staff have the authority to deal firmly but courteously with patrons who are violating the Patron Conduct Policy. Actions taken by staff may include making the patron aware that the behavior violates the principles of conduct or is a prohibited activity, warning the patron that he/she will have to leave if the behavior does not change, and telling the patron to leave the library. In some cases, the patron may be escorted from the building by staff or the police.

Anyone known to have violated the Patron Conduct Policy may be excluded from the LML and its programs as a matter of administrative policy. If the behavior involves illegal activity, staff have full authority to call the police. Based upon the severity of the situation, a suspension of library privileges for up to one year may be applied without advance warning. Written or verbal notification of a suspension period greater than seven days shall be provided to the patron, or in the case of a minor (under the age of 18), to the parent or legal guardian.

Patrons shall have the right to submit a written request for an administrative review of a suspension period greater than seven days. Patrons shall include in the request any written documentation they seek to have considered in the review process. The suspension shall remain in effect pending the administrative review. The Library Director’s decision shall be final.

Approved: August 17, 2023

Revised April 16, 2024

Photography and Video Recording/Streaming Policy

The primary mission of Lakewood Memorial Library (LML) is to provide library services to its patrons. Fulfilling this mission is LML’s first priority. In addition, like all public libraries in New York State, the Lakewood Memorial Library is a limited public forum. Therefore, photography, video recording/streaming and filming at LML is permitted as long as it is consistent with the LML’s Mission Statement and other library policies.

Specifically, photography, video recording/streaming and filming activity may not:

  1. Cause any disruption to patrons who are using library services,
  2. Create an unstable environment for employees,
  3. Feature other library patrons or staff. (This is especially important as many LML patrons are under the age of 18.)

Media outlets filming or photographing on LML premises for projects that directly involve the library and its programs have sole responsibility for obtaining all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed. Researchers and journalists are responsible for obtaining their own permissions when photographing copyrighted material in the library. Advanced authorization is required. Contact director@lakewoodlibrary.org or (716) 763-6234.

The LML does not permit commercial use of its grounds and facilities. This includes, but is not limited to, using the library building, grounds, or interiors as a stage for any type of photography, filming, or video recording/streaming used to advertise products or services unrelated to the LML for promotional purposes.

Casual amateur photography and videotaping is permitted in the library.  Photos/videos are for personal use only and are limited to the library buildings and/or inanimate objects. 

Photography by LML Staff for Internal and Promotional Purposes

To promote the library’s programs and services, the LML sometimes uses photos of patrons in its publications, press releases, and social media. Any library user can decline being photographed. The Library will post this policy: 

“Your attendance at library programs may be digitally recorded through photographs or video recordings. These images or videos may be posted on our website, on social media outlets, or local publications. If you do not wish your image to be published, please notify library staff before or immediately after the program. No individual identification will be used unless the library has a written photo release form.”

At the beginning of library events, staff will announce, “library staff will take photographs which may be used for library promotional purposes. Please notify staff if you do not want to be photographed.” In the case of children, either singly or as part of a program, consent will be sought from the children’s guardians.

Approved: October 19, 2023

Reconsideration of Library Materials

A singular obligation of the public library is to reflect within its collection differing points of view on controversial or debatable subjects. The Lakewood Memorial Library does not declare particular beliefs or views, nor does the selection of an item express or imply an endorsement of the author’s viewpoint. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents.

Comments from members of the community about the collection or individual items in the collection frequently provide librarians with useful information about interests or needs that may not be adequately met by the collection. The Library welcomes expression of opinion by patrons, but will be governed by the library’s Collection Development Policy in making additions to or deleting items from the collection.

Patrons who request the reconsideration of library materials will be asked to put their request in writing by completing and signing the form entitled “Request for Reconsideration of Library Material.”

Upon receipt of a timely, formal, written request, the Director will contact the individual or designated spokesperson requesting the library material reconsideration to set up a meeting either by phone or in person to listen to the person’s/designated spokesperson’s questions and concerns. If the issue cannot be resolved, the Director will appoint an ad hoc committee of five, unbiased, impartial members of the community to discuss the matter and make a recommendation to the Director. The Director will then make a decision regarding the disposition of the material. The material being reconsidered will not be removed from the collection until a decision is made. The Director will communicate, at the earliest possible date, this decision, and the reasons for it, in writing, to the person who initiated the request for reconsideration. The Director will inform the Library Board of Directors of all requests for reconsideration of library materials and their disposition.

In the event that the person/group who initiated the request is not satisfied with the decision of the Director, he/she/they may appeal for a hearing before the Board of Trustees by making a written request to the President of the Board. The Library Board of Directors reserves the right to limit the length of presentation and the number of speakers at the hearing. The Board will determine whether the request for reconsideration has been handled in accordance with stated policies and procedures of the Lakewood Memorial Library. On the basis of this determination, the Board may vote to uphold or override the decision of the Director.

Approved March 14, 2019

Reviewed December 7, 2023

Social Media Policy

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines social media as “forms of electronic communication… through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos).”

The Lakewood Memorial Library uses various social media (e.g., website, Facebook, Instagram) to provide public forums for sharing ideas, opinions, and information about library-related issues. The primary purpose is to employ social media to publicize and advertise information about the Library’s services and programming events, volunteer opportunities, general library news/updates and raise awareness for issues that concern the community. 

These forums are intended to create welcoming and inviting online spaces where library users can interact with library staff and other library users while finding useful and entertaining information related to the library’s activities and resources.


  1. Any content posted by library staff on a library account represents the Lakewood Memorial Library. Staff should take care not to make inappropriate (e.g., political, religious, personal) comments. Posts made by library staff on their personal accounts do not necessarily reflect the views of the library.
  2. The library reserves the right to use any posts on library social networking sites in public relations and marketing materials.
  3. Comments, posts, and messages are welcome on the Lakewood Memorial Library social media sites. Although the library recognizes and respects differences in opinion, all such interactions will be regularly monitored for content and relevancy. Posts containing any of the following will be removed:
  • Comments or posts, including photos or videos, unrelated to the Lakewood Memorial Library, its mission, or its activities
  • Obscene or racist content
  • Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language
  • Plagiarized or copyright protected materials
  • Private or personal information published without consent of individual
  • Hyperlinks to materials that are not directly related to the discussion topic
  • Commercial promotions or spam


  1. As with other resources, the Lakewood Memorial Library does not act in loco parentis and is not responsible for enforcing any restrictions that a parent/ guardian may place on a minor’s use of social media.
  2. Users are encouraged to protect their privacy by not posting personally identifying information, such as last name, school, age, phone number, or address.


The Lakewood Memorial Library assumes no liability regarding any event or interaction that takes place by any participant in any social media post.

Approved June 13, 2019

Reviewed December 7, 2023