3rd Fridays at 4pm
Join the Tyler the Doodle for literacy skill practice! Whether you are practicing your reading fluency or needing a comfort buddy, books and pups come together for Tales to Tails.
Tales to Tails is a program designed to improve literacy skills, boost confidence, and get kids excited about books! We’ll have a quiet space for children to read a story to Tyler, a hypoallergenic Mini Goldendoodle, who loves gentle pets. Tyler is a registered therapy dog and we’re so lucky to have him include us in his busy schedule.

Having Tyler as a reading ambassador creates a unique environment for children to practice their reading skills. The format is flexible to adjust for any reading material that the child is excited about, something from home or something from our shelves. Reading times are not rigid, depending on how many children attend, we’ll adjust the time as needed.

After each child has finished, Tyler enjoys lingering for all the pets and attention he can get!